Hello Everyone,
Honestly this week wasn’t very eventful, but I feel like every time I say that I still manage to write a really long letter. I’d say the highlights of the week were meeting with Stephanie and Saturday as well - I think Friday and Sunday had some good stuff too.
Great lesson with Stephanie on Tuesday. We taught with two of the members again and had a great lesson about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Stephanie gladly accepted it and is continuing to show so much faith and commitment to the Gospel - it is honestly inspiring. It is also a very good reminder of how we should all feel about the gospel, we should rediscover it with joy each time we study from the words of the Prophets, whether in the scriptures or from other modern day revelations. I know that I can get very complacent with the Gospel, so I imagine that others do as well. A fun exercise I think would be for each of us to “rediscover” the Gospel and pray to know how we can each do that, so that this great gift doesn’t become repetitious. I’ve heard you need to keep your marriages fresh and new, why not try it with the Gospel too! I’ll try it too. Enough tangents, Stephanie came to church on Sunday as well and loved it. I’ve never seen someone get so much out of all three hours of church - honestly inspiring. I’m so happy for her! She told us that she may not be available on Tuesday because of a meeting, but she will see if she can get out of going because meeting with us and learning more is more important than the meeting! Stephanie is setting such a good example for not only me, but all of us!
Saturday was cool, we went and cleaned the horse stalls out again. We had some excitement when they were leading the horses out of the barn. The owners future son-in-law was taking one of the horses out and it was a little impatient and started running all the way from the back of the barn, and Simon didn’t let go and consequently hit everything in his path as he was dragged across the floor. I was standing outside, watching, and he flew out and got dragged across the stones. He managed to stand up and get the horse under control, was very impressive because if that had been me, I would have let go of the rope long before that. This is also why I don’t lead the horses, but that is another story! We also got to ride on bails of hay which was really fun, I leaned over to elder Peel, who is a farmer, and said “I feel like a real farm boy right now!” We finished cleaning the stalls and then shot off for a lesson with a new investigator that we had texted. He was super nice and accepted the Book of Mormon! Then, we shot back to church because John’s Nephew was being ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood and we were invited, (John is the owner of the horses). That was a really nice experience to be part of the ordination.
Oh and I also had my shoulder x-rayed as well! I Have to go back and get the other one x-rayed too. Long explanation short, they make weird crunching sounds which is most likely a cause of lack of cartilage and cause me pain. Hopefully nothing too serious is wrong with them!
Yes, well, I do not have much left to say, thanks for tuning in!
Much Love,
Elder Molinari
1. Won't try explaining this
2. On top of hay
3. On a hoverboard
4. On hay still
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